Friday, November 21, 2008

Our little boy is growin'!

So, yesterday we were able to take Kole to his 9 month appointment. We were excited to hear that we didn't need immunizations this time, and then they dropped the flu shot bomb..*sigh*. They also had to test him for iron by slicing his foot. It was pretty funny because when the medical assistant poked him he just looked at her for a few seconds and then did his little giggle. Anyone who has been around him knows the giggle. It's kind of a little 'huh huh huh' (a bit like Beavis and Butthead, actually--uh--not that I would know....) So, here are his stats:
Weight: 20.3 lbs (46th percentile)
Height: 29" (74th percentile)
Head: I can't remember the inches but it is in the 65th percentile)
Dr. Carlson was really impressed with him and thinks he will probably be walking before he is a year old because he holds himself up so well! We shall see.
When Kolton was born he received this cute little teddy bear from the hospital. He has one and so does his birthmommy. Here are a couple of pictures to show how much he has grown. Isn't he just amazing? You are looking at one proud mommy, here!

Here he is- one day old with both bears

Here he is in March


This one was yesterday (please excuse the orange mouth- he loves his carrots)
I am still so in awe with what a miracle and blessing he is. He makes me smile so much every day and he totally brings out the goof in both of us (as if we needed more of that!)
Happy 9 months, kiddo!



He seems like such a love, isn't it INSANE how FAST they grow!?!? Too fast if you ask me.

Lyman Family

What a cute little guy! Wow, his weight is more than Bethany's was at her 15-month check! (Bethany turned into a little oompa-loompa for a while because she loved orange vegetables, too.) What a sweetie, I want to hear his laugh!


wow he really was just a little squirt, wasn't he? That sams club formula does our babies good. He is sooooo cute, you are one lucky mom!!!


Jakub was that 20 pounds at his 18 month appointment. James has always been bigger. He was 23 pounds.

A & M Ras

I can't believe he is 9 months old. Where has the time gone? He is such a stinkin' cute kid.

Adventures in Petersonland

thats such a great idea to take pictures each month next to a stuffed animal to show how much he's grown! i should have done something like that with brynn...
ouch! reading that they had to slice his foot made me cringe! thats never fun to watch as a mom...
what a cutie! i loved the 6 months-18 months age!