Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The Twelve Blogs of Christmas...

**Sigh** Have you ever been so behind in your blogging that you keep putting it off, thinking you will get to it when you have time, and in the meantime you keep taking pictures and making memories that you can't wait to share?...Well, though I know it has only been two weeks, I feel like I have SO MUCH to blog about, so rather than putting it off even more, I have decided that I will TRY to post a little each day until I am caught up. So, here goes...

Kolton got to have his first experience in the snow! We got completely DUMPED on shortly after my last entry. Wes brought Kole in his very own snowball to try- and Kolton found it rather satisfying...

Wes's grandma Jan sent us some money to get Kolton a gift from her so we decided it would be fun to get him one of those adorable hats with the ear flaps to go with his brand new coat that my mom had bought for him. You can tell from the pictures that he was none too thrilled with being outside up to his little armpitties in the white stuff, but it was still too cute to not get a few pictures (by the way, these pictures are sans ear flap hat- this is the hat that came with the coat)...

It was a great way to kick off our family Christmas- especially since hot chocolate was involved afterward! :)