Hello to all! As many of you know, we have had a very insane week around here. I'll start with a part that few of you know about, and that is the new red stain on our bedroom carpet...
Looks like something out of 'psycho' eh?? Anyway, that was how March started out for us... Then Kolton became quite sick and had a very high fever. We took him in last Tuesday and found out that he had brochiolitis as well as a double ear infection. We immediately had him on antibiotics and thought we were out of the woods. Well, Tuesday night as we were all snuggly in bed I heard a small cough come from the foot of the bed where Sam's cradle is. I tried to pretend I didn't hear it until it came again...and again...and again. Knowing that taking him to the doctor just for a cough would be futile we just decided to wait for a couple of days. Well, the cough continued and a runny nose and congestion were added. Every time we decided to take him in he miraculously started improving for those few hours. Finally, Saturday morning he didn't want to eat and I decided that wild horses couldn't keep me away from the instacare clinic. The doctor there did a chest x-ray and found pneumonia. He also tested for RSV and it came back positive. After much hesitation about whether or not to send us to the hospital or home, he decided to send us home. Home heath care people showed up shortly after to set up and show us how to use a suction machine and albuterol nebulizer. I thought, 'surely we can handle this!'-- how wrong I was. I went to my sister, Cristi's house for a scent of the month luncheon (she sells Scentsy) and afterward we sat down to plan my little sister, Keli's, bridal shower. Shortly after getting started, Wes called me and said that Sam's face was turning blue. I rushed home as quick as I could and my sister, Billye was right behind me to pick up Kolton and take him to her house. We rushed to the hospital and as we were driving Sam's color pinked back up, thankfully. Shortly after arriving, Sam was admitted to the hospital. We stayed there until this morning and, after much care and love and praying and blessings, he is finally doing so much better. The nurses at Logan Regional hospital were so attentive and caring. After what has been a very stressful few months, it was actually kind of nice to spend some time up there with my little Sam and enjoy him and not have to worry about anything else. I brought my camera up with me so I could catch some of the memorable moments. Judge if you will, but I think it is good to have pictures of the challenging times, too!
Thankfully he only had to be on oxygen the first and second nights.
I love this picture! Sam kept tipping his head back so he could watch the TV overhead.
I can't thank everyone enough for the meals that were brought, the prayers and blessings that were offered, and the visits and phone calls we have received. It is always humbling to experience something like this. It makes me want to be a better person and member of my ward. It also makes me want to be a better mom and friend. Above all, it makes me want to do all I can to let the Lord know how very thankful I am to be a mother and to have two amazing little sons and a wonderful birthmom who's concern for little Sam was as great as mine. I hope this wasn't too lengthy for all of you in blog land! I finally got a new computer and finally have the chance to sit and try it out! I can finally load pictures and it doesn't take two years! I hope all of you had a calmer week than we did, but still got as much out of it!
What a crazy month for you already! Hopefully the rest will be all downhill. I'm glad to hear Sam is doing better. We were worried when we heard you were headed to the er. We will keep praying for him to fully recover and for you to have a much less eventful week.
Wow! Being a mom sure does pump up the adventures. It sounds like you are do for some down time. Hugs!
SO glad that he is doing so much better that is scary...Thank goodness he is feeling better... YOu do have an amazing birthmom.. I do too but she doesn't hold a candle to yours.. Mine is kinda like not always there.. Oh well.. I'm so glad to hear he is doing better... Kolton and my Colton would get along really good.. the day before yesterday he was drinking fruit punch and little did I know he spilled it all over the carpet in the front room until later that night when I picked up the blanket it was there.. Kids...
I am so sorry to hear about the sickness with your family. Hopefully everything is much better now for you guys. You are in our prayers.
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