Wednesday, February 10, 2010


So, I have realized that just because it is next to impossible to get pictures loaded onto my dinosaur of a computer that doesn't mean I cant check in and tell y'all what my family is up to!

Wes: Yesterday and today the poor man has had the stomach flu and a seriously bad back ache. He is still up to his elbows in projects (though better than up to his armpits!) and can't wait to get to work on making a toddler bed for Kolton. He has been home from work the last two days so the house seems a bit more alive. I love it when he's home. Not just because he helps me with the boys, but because he just helps me to feel a bit less frantic when things get crazy, as they always do around here!

Kolton: He is beside himself with glee at the fact that Wes is home today. He can't stay off his lap or back (see above back injury information and you will see what a patient daddy I have married) and is all smiles. He is such a bright little guy! He can recognize every letter in the alphabet and count to ten. The other day we were walking towards Staples Office Supplies and he was pointing out all the letters to me! I didn't even realize he knew so much! My sister has been a preschool teacher for many years and said that he is above and beyond normal for his age. Indeed, I fear that he is now smarter than me...*sniff*. There is no wall he can't climb, no pet he can't annoy, no drink he can't tip over and onto himself. He has recently started sleeping in a toddler bed and took to it right away, especially because it means he can get out of bed and play when he doesn't want to sleep!! He loves being a big brother to little Sam. As long as he doesn't think anyone is watching, he will reach over and stroke Sam's head or give him a kiss on top of the head. He loves to hold him and help me hold his car seat when we are going somewhere. His favorite phrase lately is 'mom, I helping', whether that means giving me a blanket for sam or putting toilet paper in the toilet and using it to clean the shower. I confess that not a day goes by that I don't get misty eyed and the miracle that he has been to me. His little spirit has healed so much in my life. Anyone who says that adoption is just 'plan B' should be as lucky to have the experiences we have had with the boys' wonderful birthmother. You know who you are and how much you ROCK!

Sam: Sam is just about the cutest baby EVER which has made the fact that he has been a much more challenging newborn than Kolton was easier to deal with! I am actually thankful for this (don't expect me to say that at 2am) because a part of me always wanted to experience the haggard, run-down and exhausted part of mommy-hood and now I finally feel like I can share my experiences with others who have gone through the same. He is finally sleeping nearly through the night and when he wakes will go back to sleep with only a pacifier. This means that it is finally time to move him to a crib! Kolton's birthday is next week and we will be moving him to our spare room downstairs and moving Sam to the nursery. To say that I am anxious about this is a total understatement. Not about Sam so much as Kolton. I will share my experiences here with all of you and would like advice if anyone has some! Anyway, back to Sam! He is becoming quite a smiley baby and starting to chub out a ton! He has finally moved out of newborn clothes (well, they still fit, but I have packed them away, anyway) and into 3-6 month clothes! He is also happiest when he is having his diaper changed. I think he really likes being naked, if you ask me! His little spirit seems to make our family feel complete, like we were waiting for him and never realized it. He seems to radiate love every time he looks at me and he is also a big-time snuggler which I cannot get enough of!

and ME: I, too, had the stomach flu a couple of days ago and thankfully I have recovered. Wes took the day off that day and took care of the boys for me so I could catch up on some much needed sleep! I have been busy sewing and crafting and scrapbooking over the last few weeks which has left my house in shambles. I finally finished my brother's wedding album only to have them give it back to me so I could add their dating and engagement pictures! I am also making a 'cars' quilt and curtains for Kolton's new room as well as some cute picture frames to hold pictures of Wes,Sam, Cori and I so he doesn't feel alone at night. I am also going to put the monitor in my room so I can talk to HIM if he gets scared (I will be able to hear him because his room will be right below us). I have also been on a bit of an organizing trip with our paperwork and my craft rooms and storage. Does anyone else notice that the more you try to clean and organize, the messier your house becomes? Is that just me??

Well, that is a quick update on our little family. As soon as we get our taxes back we are getting a new computer so I will be able to post pictures!! For now, I hope you are okay with the Wal-Mart ones we have of the boys (they are crappy copies, I know, the originals are much better but I wasn't going to spend $200 on a CD!!) . I hope everyone is doing as well as we are!



So cute, I am thrilled for you and your 2 baby boys! Kolton was a newborn last I saw him, and now what a looker:-) Do people still say looker? Anyways, we live in Walla Walla, it's about 50 min. from Pendleton. We're really liking it, but miss Smithfield all the time!!


It is great to see the update and see what your family has been doing. You sound like you are all smiles and loving life (except the flu part of course).


I was wondering where the heck you've been and what the heck you've been up to! Excuse my strong language there, I've just been longing to hear more about you and life with your boys. Those pictures of Sam make me want to squish him so much, by the way. I mean I figured you probably had your hands full having a second baby and whatnot but I was getting desperate. I almost called you for goodness sake, and if you know how much of a phone person I am NOT, then you would feel so very special about this. Anyway, I'm happy to read about you, and I am excited you're getting a new computer, oh how I've missed you.

Michelle and Nathan

What cute boys! With boys there's never a dull moment and always more projects. Good for you. Hope you all get over the flu fast. As for the new bedroom arrangements, good luck. With my second one, I slept on the floor outside his door for the first few nights just to be sure he was ok--talk about a worried mom! It does get better--I didn't worry much with our 3rd son--just enjoyed a little extra, much needed sleep.


I am tired just reading that!! You are such a cute mom, Tabitha, and to such beautiful little boys!

Sorry you guys were sick!