Friday, February 6, 2009

Boring days, haircuts and parties

So, I finally have a bit more to add to my recently quite boring blog- *sigh* how I long for warm weather! :)
We held the family Superbowl party at our house last Sunday and it turned out to be quite the event! It gave us a chance to show off our new basement (and also to test the wear of our new carpet- check and double check) There were about 20 people in our house at one time with food upstairs and games and football downstairs. My contribution was some ooey gooey caramel popcorn, while my sister brought pizza chip dip and hot wing dip. My sister-in-law did some great potato bite thingies where she coated sliced potatoes with oil and then spooned barbecue sauce over them with green onions and cheese and baked them. It goes without saying that I wore sweats the next day! Here are some of the highlights:

My brother, Jimmy- not likin' the action on the Steelers side

Kolton, as always, the center of the action

I love this picture of Wes- it shows what a multi-talented daddy he is! He wanted Kolton to watch the whole game with him

We played a fun game of 'Hit the Deck' and I lost miserably- we decided to keep score on one of Kolton's {non-poopy} diapers since it would require going all the way upstairs to get scratch paper :) Here is my nephew, Blake, after winning the game:

And it pains me to say that we had to give Kolton a haircut this week. Anyone who sees him regularly knows that he has this great natural mohawk. Seriously, up to this point it has grown long on top and short on the sides so it was a pretty easy style. However, now he is getting this whole new growth of thicker hair and it was making his hair on top go completely crazy and he had constant 'bed head' hair even when we styled it! So, we decided to cut it all to one length and see how it 'grows'. Here is a few before pictures:

This was our last attempt to keep it how it was- we cut it shorter on the sides, but it just went from bad to worse. Pudding bowl, anyone?- (please excuse the stoned 'oompa loompa' look)

Now he has more of a buzz- which makes me want to cry. I am not a fan of buzz cuts because I think it makes kids look like bullies! So, now I have a bully for a son *sniff* and I am just holding on tight to my lunch money from now on...

Pretty shifty, eh?- But heaven help me I just can't get enough of his sweet little cheeks!



oh your always gonna think my kids are bullies then, cuz I sure love those boys in buzz cuts and I think Kolton looks pretty dang handsome too, no matter what kinda haircut he has....... But I really am diggin the new doo


I think he looks so cute! You don't have to worry too much about the bully thing until nursery right? I thought you kept score on an unused diaper, until seeing the pic. I am always a fan of recycling.


I'm sorry you feel nervous for your lunch money now, but I think he looks a.dor.a.ble. what a cutie pie. I also can't really get enough of the stoned oompa loompa picture, he looks like I've felt numerous times after eating too many Doritos. It hurts so good.

~Our Family~

Hey TAbitha, I just went through the same thing about the hair and finally buzzed it cause I had to so don't feel bad it does grow back pretty fast... Looks like you have had about as fun much as were having here... Besides we are all sick here... Kolton looks really cute...

Skye L.

i love his haircut and using the diaper...that is hilarious!