Friday, January 2, 2009

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve is always swingin' at my Parents' house. Everyone came wearing their jammies and ready to munch on Mom's excellent Christmas ham and all the other foods we brought. It was a fabulous spread, if I do say so myself. We did everything buffet style this year and it was oh, so yummy! We started the night out with Kolton's first sledding experience. This video makes me cry with laughter. I swear, he eventually really liked the whole experience, but here he is being pulled by me on the sled on our way to the hill near my parents' house:

When we got back and ate, we started the traditional Christmas Eve happenings with my mom reading the traditional sweet Christmas story to the grand kiddos:

Then my dad played some songs on his accordion. Kay, here is a bit of background- My dad has had this accordion since he was seven years old! That is almost 60 years! Every year since I can remember, my dad has played Christmas songs on his accordion on Christmas Eve. It is the only time of year that he plays it and we always love it! Kolton thought it was really great and really wanted to help Grandpa out.

Mr. Mischief, as I like to call my son on occasions like these, had been trying to get at my mom's carroling statues ever since she put them up. Well, on Christmas Eve he succeeded! He knocked Mr. Carroler man right out of his shiny black boots:

Here is my sister, Keli showing the damage- My kiddo is a sneaky little devil

Stay tuned for more Christmas and New Year adventures!



Tabitha!!! Kolton is so dang cute! It sounds like his first christmas was a fun one!


What a great Christmas! Kolton is such a cutie -isn't it so much fun to experience these holidays with our kiddos!

Adventures in Petersonland

loved the video! that look on his face was priceless! its like he didnt know if he should cry or laugh! he is so cute.
good to hear you had a good christmas with your family! we are excited to get closer to ours as spending the last 3 years alone is getting depressing for the holidays!
thats awesome that your dad plays the accordian! how cool.