Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Family Home Evening

Well, we finally decided that now that Kolton is starting to recognize things like pictures, etc. that it was a good time to start having Family Home Evening FOR REAL (Not just, 'hey, Dancing With the Stars is on tonight- sounds good for Family Home Evening!') I was pretty excited so I pulled out some old "Friend" magazines and made some little file folder stories about Joseph Smith. It was more fun for me than Kolton, but it still felt good to know I was doing something I SHOULD be doing for a change! Wes was in charge of the song and prayer, I did the lesson, and Kole helped me with the treats (well, he stuck his hand in the frosting and chucked an egg on the floor). It is fun having more than just 'couple home evening'-

Kolton is learning so much so fast and I am worried that I am not taking enough opportunities to teach him. I think I will be trying to keep up with him for the rest of my life! :)

Finally, I am so sick of having such BLURRY pictures because if I put on the flash he blinks and all we see are smiles and closed eyes- I LOVE this picture, but please pardon the blurriness- I just can't help but show off what a handsome little guy he is (as if my genes had anything to do with it! :P)

On a side note, he finally went a whole day without a fever! (Yesterday morning it was 103!) He has an ear infection and he finally cut one of his front teeth (goodbye, dracula fangs) so he has been not too happy for about a week now. Hopefully we are on the road to recovery! :)

**On another side note :) for those of you who were interested in signing up your kiddos for my sign language classes, I am going to the city council planning and zoning meeting tonight to finalize my permit and business liscence and if all goes well (as they assure me it will) I will be starting classes on Feb 5th- Wish me luck!**



FHE is much more entertaining with little ones to share it with. I don't blame you for wanting to show off pics of your handsome little man. I am glad he is feeling better. Enjoy your freedom at church while it lasts. I am sure you will be snatched up in no time (hmmm it seems like they have some openings for RS teachers - don't worry, I won't say anything to Cherene :).


I also look forward to having Lizzie get bigger to have better FHE's. We also do the Dancing with the stars is on so let's sit and watch it together and call it FHE. I know that is not the best, but it was always hard with just the "TWO" of us. Although I really liked doing couples in waiting and having FHE like that. Your son is getting so big. He will soon be turning 1 won't he?


Yay for you! We've been a little lax with FHE since Dave started taking a class on M night and doesn't get home til 8. I have some super fun FHE stuff from Hatch Patch Creations if you ever want to come take a peak!

Emily T.

You are so good to make stuff for the lesson. It looks like a fun night. Hopefully you're still having fever free days! He's a cutie!