Thursday, March 12, 2009

Going to see Cori!!

Hello to all! It has been a while since I posted- man, things have been so busy! We had the amazing opportunity to go out to Vernal this last weekend and see Cori for the first time since Kolton was placed with us over a year ago. Cori is Kolton's birthmom and we can't express enough how much she has meant to our family. When we last saw her a year ago things were pretty crazy, obviously, and I wished that we could have spent more time getting to know her and her family. They live pretty far away (about 4 hours) so it hasn't been possible for us to make it out there until now. When we arrived, we had the chance to meet Cori's mom and daughters; Kennedy (14) and Sasha (2)- We have heard about them and seen pictures, but it was awesome to get to meet them and get to know them a bit more. Kennedy looks so much like her mom and Sasha is a complete angel. She kept giving Kolton hugs and patting him on the back. It almost made me cry to see them having so much fun together- I hope they can see each other more in the future. Here is a quick video of her giving a hug to Kolton:

I took SO many pictures, as usual, so I made a little scrapbook with most of them, but I'll give a quick breakdown of our day with them:

8am: We left home with my sister, Keli, who came along for the trip
10am: Poopy diaper
12:30pm: Arrived at Cori's mom's house- Cori had not arrived yet so we got a chance to visit with her, Kennedy, and Sasha for a bit. Then we left to check into our hotel and wait for Cori to get there.

Kole and Sasha

Wes, Me, Kole, Sasha, and Carol

Kole, Sasha, and Kennedy

2pm: Cori arrived and we spent some time back at her mom's before heading out to the famous Vernal dinosaur museum

5pm: Went to dinner at Wingers- YUM! Cori got to spend a bit more time holding Kolton and playing with him.

7pm: We went swimming at the hotel- there was a jet in the hot tub that was VERY strong and Keli and I had fun being propelled all over the hot tub by it.

9pm: We stayed up and watched movies and ate treats from the vending machine- It was a really great day!

For the rest of the pictures, here is a slide show/scrapbook for y'all! It was a great weekend and it meant so much to us to see Cori and her family and get to know them all a bit more. We love you guys!!!!!!

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~Our Family~

Tabitha, Oh it is so nice to see pictures like that.. I wish that our birthmom would want to come here and see Braxton sometime but money is the issue with her.. Kori looks really happy..Is she doing better? I hope so.. Kolton looks so cute...


That is so great that you got to go see your birthmom and spend that time with her. I think that it is awesome. And what fun that you made it into a fun vacation.


What a fun way to spend the weekend! I am glad you were able to get together with Kolton's birthmom. I bet she enjoyed being able to see him now at a year old and how cute and happy he is. Gotta love those wonderful birthmoms.

Lyman Family

That's neat that you got to do that. I love spending time with Bethany's birth families! I'm glad it was a great experience for you!