Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Family Pictures

Well, slowly but surely I am back on the blog scene! The last couple of weeks have been super busy and overwhelming, but things are finally starting to quiet down a bit. I don't want to bore y'all with my many woes, but here is the top five list of things that have kept me from blogging:

1: I got cortisone shots in my neck last Thursday and I am going in again this Thursday. Long story short- I have bulging discs in my neck and degenerative disc disease and it is causing a nerve to be pinched that in turn causes my left arm to become a very painful noodle.

2: Kolton has been SO sick, with temps reaching 102.7. Doc says no ear infection, no RSV, just a nasty virus that nothing can fix but 'fluids'- which Kolton doesn't want...

3: Wes and I had the awesome opportunity to teach the Adoption Education classes for LDS Family Services last Wednesday and Friday nights and all day Saturday. A ton of work and a lot of time, but we met awesome couples and we are pulling for them all to be successful in growing their families through the miracle of adoption!

4: My Sign Language classes have been a lot more demanding lately as I have added a few students. I make flashcards for each student and they take a lot of time, but they are so cute and I am rather proud of them.

5: The busier I get, the messier my house becomes. And the more my neck hurts, the harder it is to clean my messy house. So my fifth reason isn't so much that I am busy cleaning, but more that I have a hard time wading through the crap to get to my computer.

Okay, and bonus #6, I have been watching every season of 'Scrubs', which my sister, Cristi, so kindly lent me while I have been down and out- thanks sis!

On a high note- we finally went in to get our family pictures taken and
J C Penny and also Kolton's 1 year pictures. They turned out pretty nice and I want to make one as my title for my blog but it ends up so small- any tips? Anywho- here they are!


Jaelynne Francis

I LOVE your cute family! Those are some adorable pictures. They do a good job over there.....well good luck on your house and such...I am having the same problem lately...I need to do a good haul on everything. Whatever that means...I think I need to go to bed...zzzzz


I'm so sorry for your trying week, neck pains are the worst! They can ruin everything! BUT your pictures are so so so cute, Kolton looks like such a little stud in them.
Hope you're feeling better and that the shots help like they should!


way cute pics... I love jcpennys, they are sooooo affordable. We need some family pics A.S.A.P

Alleman Family

LOVE LOVE LOVE The family pics!! What a cutie Kole is!! So, I got your message on Monday night. I was out of town all weekend. I really wan't ignoring you! I'm glad the classes went well. Call me if you still have any questions!

Emily T.

You've had a lot going on. hopefully things have settled down. Your family pictures turned out so great. I love them.