Tuesday, May 6, 2008


Hello, everyone! Well, Beauty and the Beast is now over as of last night, so life just became a lot less hectic! I am so excited to just be home with Kolton all the time now. The show was awesome- don't get me wrong! I had so much fun signing little girls' autograph books and making people laugh, but for those of you who have done theater, you know how much work it is and why I am happy to move on! Kolton is completely amazing me every day. He has recently started to giggle and I am constantly trying to coax one out of him! He has already grown out of so many things and is already fitting into three-month-old clothes! He has doubled in weight since he was born and he just keeps growing! We hope everyone who reads this is doing well!
With love,



Bravo Tabitha! You look SO adorable! I JUST saw you guys but Kolton looks so much bigger and/or grown up! Has he been growing like crazy? Congrats on the play, I'm sure it was perfection!


Wish I could have seen the show! You are always so much fun to watch! Kolton looks so much bigger already from the last pics you posted...what a doll!

Chambers Clan

I just realized that my cousin Megan Bagley was in Beauty and the Beast also. She was a wolf and a napkin. How fun! I'm sad I missed it. I heard it was amazing. My grandma made it more than once. You do look cute. I bet it's fun getting all dressed up:) you guys sure make such a cute family!

Coppin Crew

Wes and Tabitha,
My sister was showing me all the wonders of blogging and we came across your blog. I am so happy to learn of your wonderful, good news. Congratulations on the new addition to your family. He is adorable and you are the cutest parents. He is a very lucky boy and I know you feel very lucky and blessed to be his parents. I am so happy for you and wish you the best always.
Love, Tara Coppin